
  • Growth In Seniors Filing For Bankruptcy Outpaces Younger Americans

    Because of these risks, action will be required well before 2037 and the costs associated with delaying action grow each year. While TSCL understands that changes are needed to the Social Security system and some small changes are likely, harsh benefit cuts should not be tolerated. .Rural Americans who face unique challenges would also experience unique struggles under a one-size-fits-all healthcare plan. For years, the farmers, ranchers, and everyone living in our nation's breadbasket have endured inequitable access to quality care and medical services compared to their urban and suburban counterparts. .Proposals to reform Medicare have been floating around the halls of Congress since 2010, but none have been as radical or risky as one recently released by four prominent Senators. In an attempt to curb Medicare spending, the group came up with a plan that would phase out Medicare completely, and it would do so at the expense of current enrollees, beginning as early as 201The proposal, introduced by Senators Rand Paul (KY), Mike Lee (UT), Lindsey Graham (SC), and Jim DeMint (SC), would transition beneficiaries into the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program – the same health program available to Members of Congress. … Continued

  • 70 Of Older Voters Think Social Security Payroll Tax Should Apply To All Earnings

    Chen cited two international flights from earlier stages of the pandemic where infection rates varied depending on mask use. On the first flight, no passengers were wearing masks, and a single passenger infected 14 people as the plane traveled from London to Hanoi, Vietnam. On the second flight, from Singapore to Hangzhou in China, all passengers were wearing face masks. Although 15 passengers were Wuhan residents with either suspected or confirmed cases of COVID-19, the only man infected en route had loosened his mask mid-flight and had been sitting close to four Wuhan residents who later tested positive for the virus. .This week, The Senior Citizens League was pleased to see support grow for three important bills that would strengthen the Social Security program if signed into law. .To find contact information for your Members of Congress, to learn about important issues affecting seniors, or to sign a petition to Congress, visit the ACTION CENTER of our website. … Continued

Use a consumer price index that better reflects the costs of retirees — the Consumer Price Index for the Elderly (CPI-E). .Social Security benefits are one of the few sources of retirement benefits to be adjusted for inflation. The intention is to protect the buying power of benefits when prices increase. But retirees frequently notice that over time their Social Security benefits don't buy as much as they used to. This happens when the annual COLA doesn't keep pace with the increases in costs typically experienced by older and disabled beneficiaries. .Usually, your doctor's order is necessary. Before you need emergency care, put a plan into place, including someone to help take care of you should you become seriously ill. Often, doctors will order observation care when you are too sick to safely go home from the emergency room. Although this can still occur even with the best-laid plan, you may be able to reduce the length of an observation stay if you have someone who will take care of you once you are released. If you learn that your patient status was changed after your admission as an inpatient you have a right to appeal decisions about healthcare payment, coverage of services and prescription drug coverage. .If you have been around someone who has COVID-19, you do not need to stay away from others or get tested unless you have symptoms. .It's clear that Congress has failed mature workers and their families. We need to do more to create jobs and ensure mature workers have the skills needed for today's job market. .The President believes tying drug prices in the U.S. to those in other countries will bring down the prices here. However, the effect of his order won't be seen for some time and will only cover certain prescription drugs. The executive order requires that the secretary of Health and Human Services immediately test a payment model for Medicare to pay "no more than the most-favored-nation price," meaning the lowest price paid in other developed countries, for specific "high-cost" prescription drugs and products. .Earlier this year, I introduced the Today's American Dream Act (H.R. 1084) to ensure that mature workers can get those new skills and get back to work. This bill contains two key provisions. The first creates and expands computer skill and resume writing job-training programs, exclusively for workers over the age of 5The second adds greater flexibility to existing programs so they can better target and serve mature workers who have unique skill gaps and needs, often because of family commitments. .This week, action on Capitol Hill slowed down as Members of Congress adjourned for a holiday recess. .In addition, Many Members of Congress have gone on the record saying that they would prefer to pass a short-term spending measure that would provide funding only through March of next year. That way, Republican majorities in both chambers would have more leverage when the issue is revisited. In an interview last week, Rep. Tim Huelskamp (KS-1) stated: "It doesn't make any sense to me to say, ‘Let's negotiate before we have a better position.'" Many lawmakers in the House and Senate seem to feel the same way.