
  • Half Of Retirees Report Paying Tax On Social Security Benefits For 2019

    You will still need to follow guidance at your workplace. .We need to throw out the stereotype we've had that when you're 65 you quit working and head to the golf course. In the wake of the Great Recession, it doesn't really work financially for most folks. Even though my book has the word "retirement" in the title, about one-third of the chapters deal with careers and work at midlife and beyond -- tips for finding jobs, starting an entrepreneurial venture or launching an encore career focused on social contribution. .The 2017 COLA will likely be 0.3 percent says Mary Johnson, a Social Security policy analyst and researcher for TSCL. "And there's a chance that lower gas prices will drag the COLA down even further, to 0.2 percent," Johnson adds. Either way, the 2017 COLA is expected to raise Social Security benefits by only a few dollars, and any increase will be completely offset by stiff increases in the Medicare Part B premium for most people 65 and over. … Continued

  • Legislative Update Week Ending November 23 2018

    Drug companies and some patient groups have long criticized proposals like this last rule, saying it would reduce innovation and access to certain medications. In addition, drug makers are particularly leery of the approach since Democrats want to use it more broadly to allow Medicare to directly negotiate prices. .In the weeks ahead, The Senior Citizens League will continue to advocate tirelessly for the adoption of the CPI-E Act (H.R. 1251). We will also be keeping a close eye on the 2019 Social Security COLA announcement that is set to occur next Thursday, on October 11th. For updates, follow TSCL on Twitter or visit the Legislative News section of our website. .Consider selling off personal effects that you aren't using. If you have antiques and collectibles, or just an attic full of stuff in storage, consider selling it by auction, Ebay, or to dealers. Consumer Reports has this advice on "The Best Ways to Sell Your Stuff." … Continued

The Notch Could Happen Again .The CARES Act will not impact payment of Social Security benefits because funding from the projected Social Security payroll taxes will be credited to the Trust Fund. Increased borrowing and increased debt costs may put added pressure on Social Security for changes to improve solvency in the near future, though. .There's no need for such radical changes to the system in order to preserve Social Security for future generations. The Social Security system can be made solvent for generations to come by adopting some of the relatively modest policy changes proposed by the Social Security Trustees. We certainly shouldn't undermine the entire Social Security program with some harebrained privatization scheme that bankrupts Social Security in the short run and offers no guarantee of decent benefits in the long run. .When Should Single People Move to Assisted Living? .Many seniors can save substantially on drug costs by using mail order, and it's worth looking into. Be sure to use your drug plan's "preferred provider" mail order service. If you go outside of your drug plan's mail order network, your plan may not cover your drugs. .The Part A deductible, however, is charged "per spell of illness" and it's feasible that you could have to pay it more than one time in a year should you require multiple hospitalizations the same year. .Senate Subcommittee Considers Family Leave Proposal .Many states that were hit hard by the virus say they chose to provide protective gear to front-line health workers rather than inspectors, delaying in-person checks for weeks if not months. Some states chose to assess facilities remotely, conducting interviews over the phone and analyzing documentation, a process many experts consider inadequate. .Once the costs that both you and your drug plan have paid exceed the above limit, then you will pay 25% co-insurance for brand drugs in 2019, and your drug plan will pay 5%. There's a manufacturer discount of 70%. For generics, you will pay 37% and plans pay 63%. This phase of coverage — which is called the "doughnut hole" or coverage gap —lasts until you have a spent a total of ,100 out-of-pocket on prescription costs. Please note that what you pay in premiums does not count toward out-of-pocket costs. Once you have spent ,100, which counts the manufacturer discount portion of the drug cost in the doughnut hole, then you reach the Part D catastrophic threshold. Medicare pays 80%, plans pay 15% and enrollees pay the greater of either 5% of total drug costs or .40/.50 for each generic/brand-name drug respectively.