
  • Legislative Update For Week Ending October 12 2012

    President Trump signed an executive order Thursday directing the federal government to buy certain drugs solely from American factories. .The Senior Citizens League encourages its supporters to attend these events and to ask important questions of their elected officials, like the following four… .The Social Security Administration also announced on Thursday that the Social Security payroll tax cap will rise from 8,400 in 2018 to 2,900 in 201Most American workers contribute 6.2 percent of every paycheck to the Social Security program, but high earners will stop contributing to the program once they reach 2,900 in income next year. That means the wealthiest American CEOs – many of whom are billionaires – will be finished paying into the Social Security program just a few hours or days into 2019. … Continued

  • H R 1811 Protecting Preserving Social Security Act

    Will it provide the diagnosis or will more tests be needed? ."Based on the new data through August, there's a downward inflation trend," Johnson says. "Although my calculator indicates the COLA could be 6.1 percent, the chances of inflation remaining high enough for that to occur is only 10 percent based on 20 years of historic trends. The chances of the data dropping to 6 percent are twice that high, 20 percent. "With the July and August consumer price data, inflation is plateauing," Johnson says. .Key Bill Gains New Cosponsors … Continued

Under current law, the Medicare program excludes coverage of most routine and emergency dental care, leaving around 70 percent of seniors without comprehensive dental insurance coverage. Will you support the Medicare Dental Benefit Act (S. 22) to ensure that seniors have access to essential health care? .I don't have dental insurance and pay out of pocket. I know I will need to get some expensive work done at some point in the next year or two. Is dental insurance worth the cost? How do you go about getting a good dental plan? .Sources: Earnings Suspense File Data For 2008 and 2009, Social Security Administration, March 2, 201"The Growing Cost Of Illegal Immigration To Social Security," Mary Johnson, TSCL, June 2010. .In his opening statement, HELP Committee Chairman Lamar Alexander (TN) said: "Our focus today is on what happens to the cost of the drug after it is approved by the FDA. We will examine the path an approved drug takes from the manufacturer to patient, and how this path affects what the patient pays … This is a discussion that affects the well-being of every American family. It is important that we work together to conduct this fact finding in a bipartisan way." .Grassley has previously said he needs at least 25 Republican co-sponsors to get his bill to the floor and sees backing from the White House as important in getting more votes. About a dozen Republicans other than Grassley have so far publicly expressed support for the legislation. .Those born during the Notch period are the same Americans who fought and sacrificed during World War II. When they retired, they paid the price of "saving Social Security" for future generations by receiving lower benefits for the rest of their lives. Now, although they receive lower benefits, they are among the senior age group hit hardest by escalating health care costs. Time is running out for Notch Babies. Congress must act soon. .If you have been around someone who has COVID-19, you do not need to stay away from others or get tested unless you have symptoms. .The high cost of treatment is a frequently cited barrier by those who are not getting the dental care they need. Elizabeth H., a retiree living in Colorado told us "I do not have the ,000 I was told that I needed to get my teeth fixed. They need to either be pulled and a bridge put in, or root canaled. Being on a limited income, I do not see getting any of this done, and so it affects my health negatively. Without dental care, I'm not as healthy as I could be." .Last fall, the Government Accountability Office uncovered .3 billion in improper payments from December 2010 to January 2013 made to people who had jobs when they were supposed to be unable to work. To be eligible for Social Security disability, beneficiaries must be unable to work due to a medical condition that's expected to last at least one year, or result in death. The list, however, includes murky afflictions like back pain, depression and other un-measurable afflictions, opening the system to fraud and abuse.