Big Variation In Part D Costs Means Most Medicare Beneficiaries Overpay For Prescriptions
Because of the high air exchange rate, it's unlikely you'll catch the coronavirus from someone several rows away. However, you could still catch the virus from someone close by. .The Senior Citizens League has prepared a new fact sheet to help the public better understand how immigration changes by executive action may affect Social Security and Medicare. Get it here. .This week, one new cosponsor – Rep. Pete Olson (TX-22) – signed on to the No Social Security for Illegal Immigrants Act (H.R. 2745), bringing the total up to twenty-six. If signed into law, the bill would prevent Social Security credits from being earned by work done illegally. Currently, those who receive "green cards" or work authorization may file a claim for Social Security benefits based on all earnings – even earnings from jobs where they used stolen, invalid, or fraudulent Social Security numbers. We believe that this practice must be put to an end in order to protect the integrity of the Social Security program. … Continued
Notch Legislation Introduced In The 110th Congress
This week, The Senior Citizens League was pleased to see support grow for two key bills that would improve retirement security in America if adopted. .Can Home Health Agencies Provide Rebates? .League believes that tax reform is an opportunity to bring greater equity to the funding going into Social Security and to ensure that everyone pays fairly. … Continued
Your drug plan will provide you with forms and a package of information about how your mail order program works. You will need to ask your doctor for a 90-day prescription. Since it can take up to two weeks for delivery, make sure you either have a 30-day supply of your prescription on hand when you place your first order, or ask your doctor for a temporary 30-day prescription in addition to the 90-day, so that you can fill it at your retail pharmacy if you need to start the medication right away. .Senate Finance Committee Discusses Drug Demonstration .Fight to End Surprise Billing is Losing Key Ally .TSCL supports legislation that would get rid of the taxable wage cap and require all workers to pay their fair share into Social Security. .This week, five new cosponsors signed on to the Social Security Fairness Act (S. 896 and H.R. 1795), bringing the total up to thirteen in the Senate and ninety-two in the House. The new cosponsors are Sen. Jeff Merkley (OR) and Reps. Charles Boustany, Jr. (LA-3), Thomas Massie (KY-4), Bill Shuster (PA-9), and Barbara Lee (CA-13). If signed into law, H.R. 1795 would repeal two provisions of the Social Security Act that unfairly reduce the earned benefits of millions of state and local government employees each year. The provisions – the Windfall Elimination Provision and the Government Pension Offset – prevent dedicated public servants from receiving the retirement security they have earned. .If you have not filed a return for 2020, the IRS urges people with children to file one as soon as possible. Even if your grandson was not with you in 2020, eligible taxpayers have the opportunity to update information about changes in income, filing status or the number of qualifying children. The IRS is continuing to update information about this credit which can be found at: https://www.irs.gov/credits-deductions/advance-child-tax-credit-payments-in-2021. .How much are you spending on prescription drugs? Please tell us by taking our 2019 Senior Survey. .Most analysts believe that switching to a more – stingy measure of inflation to determine annual cost-of-living adjustments (COLAs) will form a key provision to larger government-wide deficit reduction legislation. The idea received the blessing of President Obama who offered the change last December during fiscal cliff negotiations and continues to float the idea as Congress works on the government's fiscal year 2014 legislation. .The suit is over Obama's executive actions on immigration announced last November. The executive actions would expand a program that protects immigrants from deportation if they were brought to the U.S. illegally as children. Another major part of the orders would extend deportation protection and provide work-authorized Social Security numbers to illegal immigrants who are parents of children born in this country and who have lived in this country for some years.