S 110 Social Security Lock Box Act
The new study found that consumer price data through March 2021 indicate that Social Security benefits have (once again) lost 30 percent of their buying power since 2000, and the loss of buying power looks as though it might grow deeper in 2021, should the current inflationary trends continue. The Senior Citizens League has been conducting this study for 12 years. The study typically looks at data from the 1month period of January of the previous year to January of the current year. But with recent aggressive inflation, TSCL felt it critical to include this data in our 2021 study findings. Doing so helps TSCL and the public to learn how this abrupt rise of inflation affects the buying power of Social Security benefits today. .Could you tell me the advantages and disadvantages of life insurance once we start Social Security? Doesn't Social Security pay widow's benefits? Do we really need life insurance if we have a (401)k and IRA savings? .As we said above, the devil is in the details. Rather than signing four "executive orders," the only real executive order was the one on housing. The other three actions are marked as "memorandum," which carries less authority. … Continued
Does Tscl Receive Government Funding
Legislation to allow the importation of less-costly FDA-approved prescription drugs from Canada and other nations is still pending in Congress, and TSCL continues to work for enactment. Seniors like you and your wife who order prescription drugs by mail from Canada faced a particularly tough decision about Medicare Part D. Either you enroll in a Part D plan and quite likely pay more than you do now, or don't enroll and face the risk of paying a steep penalty if you change their mind and sign up after the May 15 deadline. .An extremely low COLA (including the 1.3% that we are forecasting for 2021) could trigger a special provision of law that can cause Part B premiums to spike. That's especially true when combined with the higher than forecast Medicare outlays due to COVID-19, and the need to replenish program reserves. .It was during this time that TREA Senior Citizens League (TSCL) was founded, and of its primary goals became the representation of those affected by the Notch in Congress. Recognizing that Congress created the Notch by reducing Social Security benefits in the past, and that baby-boomers nearing retirement would provide continuing pressure to reduce benefits in the near future, TSCL's primary mission is to protect "earned" Social Security and Medicare benefits. … Continued
(Washington, DC) – The percentage of retired households that expect to pay tax on their Social Security benefits has experienced a rare decline this tax season, but that appears to be due to a much higher level of uncertainty than usual ahead of this tax season according to a new survey by The Senior Citizens League (TSCL). "This could potentially mean lower than expected tax revenues for the Social Security and Medicare Trust Funds," says Mary Johnson, a Social Security and Medicare policy analyst for The Senior Citizens League .I'm new to Medicare. I didn't realize that Medicare doesn't cover eye or hearing exams like my former insurance at work. My income is pretty low. Where can I go to get these services? .The Social Security Administration calculates benefit withholdings based on the amount you report that you will earn for the year, and then will withhold all benefit payments for a certain period of months to cover excess earnings. For example, say you received a Social Security benefit payment of 0 per month in 2007 (,800 for the year). Let's say that during 2007 you worked and earned ,450 or ,490 over the earnings limit (,450 - ,960). Social Security would withhold ,745 in benefit payments covering slightly more than 6 months of your payments. .The new effort could be part of a second package later this year and TSCL will closely examine the legislation once it is finally developed to see if it accomplishes our goals and whether we can support it. .I'm Entitled to a Pension for Work as a City Cop… .With about 1 million supporters, The Senior Citizens League is one of the nation's largest nonpartisan seniors groups. Located just outside Washington, D.C., its mission is to promote and assist members and supporters, to educate and alert senior citizens about their rights and freedoms as U.S. Citizens, and to protect and defend the benefits senior citizens have earned and paid for. The Senior Citizens League is a proud affiliate of TREA The Enlisted Association. Please visit or call 1-800-333-8725 for more information. .The "lame duck" session of Congress began this week, and leaders in the House and Senate are hard at work on an omnibus measure that would fund the federal government through the remainder of the fiscal year. Passing an omnibus in December, according to House Appropriations Committee Chairman Harold Rogers (KY-5), would allow the new Congress to "get old business behind [it] and start off with a clean slate in January." .The House passed the bill yesterday and the Senate is expected to take it up next week. .Lawmakers Avert Government Shutdown