Congressional Corner August 2015 2
Find out which drug store has the lowest cost-sharing before you fill. Your cost sharing can be dramatically higher depending on where and how you fill your prescription (retail versus mail order). Make sure you are using a preferred vs. standard network pharmacy and compare the prices of retail pharmacies with getting a 90-day supply from your drug plan's mail order pharmacy. For example, if you are enrolled in the Wellcare Wellness Rx plan and get your Eliquis from a standard in-network pharmacy, your copay for Eliquis after the 5 deductible would be during the initial coverage phase, and 7.38 in the Part D coverage gap. However, if you get your Eliquis from a preferred in-network pharmacy the co-pay is .00 during the initial coverage phase and 3.36 in the coverage gap. Depending on where you live, and your drug plan's mail order pharmacy, sometimes you may save a little more using mail order. .COVID-19 vaccines are effective at protecting you from getting sick. Based on what we know about COVID-19 vaccines, people who have been fully vaccinated can start to do some things that they had stopped doing because of the pandemic. .Fortunately, there are other bills in Congress that TSCL supports to lower the amount of money seniors must pay for their prescription drugs which we believe have a much better chance of passing and we will keep fighting for them. … Continued
The Senior Citizens League Weekly Update For Week Ending November 29 2019
About 75 million people in the U.S. are 60 and older. Recently, about four-fifths of the nation's Covid deaths have occurred in that population. .COLAs Reach All Time Lows At Same Time Seniors Report Expenses Higher Than Ever .Fees vary, and are commonly more than 0 - 0 an hour, with clients frequently committing to buy a package of several sessions. The field is still new and there are not many standards or regulations yet, so it's vital to check a prospective coach's credentials and references. … Continued
Near the end of this past November President Trump issued two rules aimed at lowering prescription drug prices that affect Medicare beneficiaries. The rules followed up on executive orders that Trump signed in July. .If you are over the age of 65 and need help paying for eye care services, you might be eligible for help from EyeCare America. This organization is one of the nation's leading public service programs to provide eye care through a group of more than 5,500 volunteer ophthalmologists. According to their website, ninety percent of the care provided is at no out-of-pocket cost to the patient. .Source: "Spouses Eligible For Higher Retirement Benefits," Office of the Inspector General, Social Security Administration, March 2014. .When asked whether you prefer to get your Social Security benefits directly deposited electronically to bank accounts or received by mail, 9 percent of seniors still prefer receiving checks. .If signed into law, H.R. 973 would repeal the Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) and the Government Pension Offset (GPO) – two federal provisions that unfairly reduce the earned Social Security benefits of millions of teachers, firefighters, peace officers, and other state or local government employees each year. .The Senior Citizens League enthusiastically supports H.R. 3302 and H.R. 1114, and we will continue to advocate for them tirelessly in months ahead. For more information, visit the Bill Tracking section of our website. .Current policy benefits undocumented immigrants who have committed document fraud by using stolen, fraudulent, or invalid Social Security numbers (SSNs) to work. Rather than penalizing individuals for the use of fake or invalid SSNs, the Social Security Administration (SSA) uses all reported earnings from covered employment when determining entitlement and benefits—even when earnings are from unauthorized work performed while in the country illegally, and using fraudulent SSNs, according to the CBO. .Democrats have delayed the start of the program in part because of its cost and an agreement to limit the overall spending in the Biden budget bill to .5 trillion. There is some talk on Capitol Hill of offering seniors limited vouchers to use toward dental benefits before 2028 as a compromise. .A number of the Commission's proposals would hit seniors particularly hard. Here are a few highlights: