
  • Cost Of Social Security Benefits Based On Illegal Work

    Other critics say that revising the government's purchasing rules will not provide a quick solution to the supply shortages of the current pandemic. "Making Buy American provisions tighter during the current crisis would likely do more harm than good," according to William Reinsch and Jack Caporal of the Center for Strategic and International Studies. .The "Notch" refers to a major inequity in Social Security benefits that affects seniors born from 1917 through 192According to Social Security Administration data through December 31, 2012, there are about 4.2 billion Social Security beneficiaries born during the Notch years. TSCL estimates that The Notch Fairness Act would cost about .5 billion over four years and could be paid for by doing a better job of eliminating fraud and erroneous payments. .New Co-Sponsors Added … Continued

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    Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis tried to alleviate fears of flying during the pandemic at an event with airline and rental car executives."The airplanes have just not been vectors when you see spread of the coronavirus," DeSantis said during a discussion at Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport on Aug. 2"The evidence is the evidence. And I think it's something that is safe for people to do." .At the time of writing this week's update, neither chamber had voted on the omnibus spending bill, but its passage is expected before funding runs out on Tuesday, December 22nd. A vote in the House is scheduled for Friday morning, and lawmakers in the Senate will likely take it up shortly thereafter, potentially as early as Friday afternoon. President Obama signaled his support for the spending package on Wednesday, which means he plans to sign it into law if it is sent to his desk. .How Does TSCL Project the Social Security COLA? … Continued

On Tuesday, the Trustees of the Social Security and Medicare programs released their annual reports on the current and projected financial status of the two programs. As expected, the Trustees found that both programs currently face manageable financial challenges. .The approach taken in the Scott bill is also the approach favored in the Senate bills. Ways and Means Chairman Neal said they will start negotiating a compromise between the two House bills that will also be agreeable to the Senate and he is optimistic they can reach a solution soon. This approach is opposed by conservative groups such as the National Taxpayers Union, which have opposed what they call "rate-setting." .Understand the type of Medicare options available to you. You can receive coverage for the costs that Medicare does not pay in two main ways: through a Medicare supplemental (sometimes called Medigap) or through a newer Medicare Advantage managed care plan, like an HMO or PPO. Both types of plans cover medically necessary hospitalization as well as doctors' and outpatient services. Many, but not all, Medicare Advantage plans also offer Part D prescription drug coverage. There are significant differences between these two types of plans that affect what you pay out-of-pocket. And those differences are often buried in all the tedious-to-read fine print. .This week, lawmakers released the text of legislation that will comprehensively reform the tax code if adopted, and The Senior Citizens League (TSCL) delivered letters to Capitol Hill outlining three tax-related changes that would strengthen the Social Security program. In addition, TSCL endorsed two new bills that would reduce prescription drug costs, and several key bills gained support. .However, many lawmakers on Capitol Hill were satisfied with the court's ruling. Rep. Bob Goodlatte (VA-6) – Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee – said, "President Obama's executive overreach on immigration poses a clear and present danger to our constitution and I am pleased that the president's actions continue to be halted so that the states' lawsuit can continue to move forward." .IMPORTANT: We Need Your Help .Social Security Notch Reform – Working towards benefit equality for older Americans. .Hunger and food insecurity is a huge problem in America. Nearly 41 million Americans struggle to put food on the table each day, including five million seniors. Because of their lack of income, many of our seniors are often faced with the frightening decision of whether to purchase food or medicine. .In addition to testing, passengers who are not fully vaccinated should self-quarantine for 7 days after cruise travel, even if they test negative. If they do not get tested, they should self-quarantine for 10 days after cruise travel.