Social Security Benefits Increase By Just 1 6 In 2020
Until June 1, 2016 he was the Director, RAFB Retiree Activities Office and he stays actively involved in the Warner Robins community including participating in Retiree Appreciation Days, Robins AFB, planning and participating in Memorial Day and Veterans Day activities, TREA's JROTC Awards Program, and the Robins Angel Tree program among others. .How Safe Are Electronic Social Security Benefits From Fraud? .In addition, other medical supplies, including masks, gloves, and gowns are also made, in large measure, in China. … Continued
H R 1001 Notch Fairness Act
The month of August presents constituents with the perfect opportunity to do just that. Both the House and the Senate adjourn for the month, and many Members of Congress travel home to hold town hall meetings. The Senior Citizens League (TSCL) encourages you to make the most of this month by attending town halls and making your voice heard. Below are summaries of three key issues, along with sample questions. Feel free to take them with you to your next meeting. .As far as the other three orders are concerned, it has been reported that consumers may not notice immediate changes since the orders must be carried out by the federal bureaucracy and could face court challenges. .Eliminating the tax on Social Security benefits that currently applies to individuals with incomes as low as ,000 and married couples with incomes less than ,000. … Continued
TSCL Meets with Members of Congress .Medigap — Medicare supplements tend to have higher premiums than Medicare Advantage plans, but are popular because they cover most of your deductibles and co-insurance costs. Even so, Medicare estimates that average annual premium and out-of-pocket costs for Medigap policies can range around ,500. .We've also reported on an analysis by the Social Security Administration about the effect of the President's directive on the viability of Social Security. That report said in part, the " DI [Disability Insurance] Trust Fund asset reserves would become permanently depleted in about the middle of calendar year 2021, with no ability to pay DI benefits thereafter. We estimate that OASI[Old Age and Survivors' Insurance] Trust Fund reserves would become permanently depleted by the middle of calendar year 2023, with no ability to pay OASI benefits thereafter." .The second session of the 113th Congress is nearing its end, and The Senior Citizens League (TSCL) is pleased to report that 2014 has been a year to remember. Over the past few months, TSCL has hand-delivered hundreds of thousands of petitions to Members of Congress, urging them to support critical legislation like the CPI-E Act, the Notch Fairness Act, and the Strengthening Social Security Act. In the weeks leading up to the November elections, we sent out thousands of emails to members and supporters in an effort to help them get to know TSCL's long-time friends in Congress. .Social Security policy analyst and Advisor editor Mary Johnson finds the average monthly rate of increase for the past 12 months. This rate of inflation is added to the current month, and each subsequent month through to September, in order to project inflation in those months. The SSA's COLA formula takes the third quarter data (July/August/September) and finds the average for the quarter. That is then compared that with the third quarter average from one year ago, and the percentage of difference is determined. That percentage of difference is the amount that the COLA would increase. .In addition, one new cosponsor signed on to the Beneficiary Enrollment Notification and Eligibility Simplification (BENES) Act (H.R. 2575), bringing the total up to eighteen. The new cosponsor is Representative Seth Moulton (MA-6). If signed into law, the BENES Act would simplify the Medicare enrollment process and better inform those approaching Medicare eligibility about their future benefits and the application process. .Although Congress has often enacted "clean bill" debt limit increases, and may do so again, lawmakers have also paid for increases with other types of changes, including changes to Social Security and Medicare. In a 2015 debt limit deal, Congress ended a benefit claiming option that was one of the few ways married couples could maximize their benefits. The change affected some people who were already 62 and entitled to benefits. It cost those affected, thousands in Social Security income that they were depending on getting. .The AWI, however, is susceptible to causing permanent benefit reductions when it turns negative, which can happen in years of deep economic recession and extraordinarily high unemployment, as was the case in 2020. Last year, concerns were high that the reductions could be as high as 9.1%, according to an estimate by Social Security's Chief Actuary Stephen Goss. But since then the economy and wages have steadily recovered and the dip in the AWI, if any, is not expected to be so deep. .The bill would reduce the number of tax brackets from seven to just four — 12 percent, 25 percent, 35 percent — and would keep the highest bracket at 39.6 percent. It also increases the standard deduction from ,350 (individuals)/,700 (married couples) to ,000 (individuals)/,000 (married couples). While the standard deduction would increase, taxpayers on the other hand would lose personal exemptions — the ones for themselves, a spouse and/or dependents, which currently are ,050 per person. Exemptions would be replaced with a 0 credit through 2022, and eliminated thereafter.