Congressional Corner Defeating Alzheimers Requires United Effort
Please visit our Notch Reform Section for the most up-to-date information. .The basic science that has allowed the small company to move so rapidly was developed with a huge prior infusion of federal money to come up with a treatment for diseases like Zika. .With the impeachment drama out of the way Congress really got down to business this week. Health care is the number one issue on the minds of voters as we head toward the November elections and Congress knows it. … Continued
Legislative Update For Week Ending January 22 2012
Social Security Notch Reform – Working towards benefit equality for older Americans. .Sources: "Social Security Benefits Related to Unauthorized Work," SSA Office of the Inspector General, March 2003, A-03-03-2305"Illegal Immigrant Crackdown Looms," Nicole Gaouette, The Los Angeles Times, August 3, 200 .Your mail order pharmacy may require that your doctor fax the prescription and you will also mail in the original as well as other required forms, your check, or credit or debit card information. Be sure to find out when medications requiring refrigeration are shipped so you can be expecting them. In general, you can order refills after 60 days or so. … Continued
"We should not allow health insurers to limit how much cost-sharing assistance can help patients at the pharmacy counter," the spokesperson said. .But lower COLAs and changes that would increase seniors' Medicare costs still remain key targets of plans to lower federal spending. Late last year, the budget conference committee responsible for heading off another government shutdown heard deficit reduction options from the Congressional Budget Office (CBO). Among those having the biggest impact on reducing government spending are proposals to increase deductibles and co-insurance for Medicare — cutting federal spending about 4 billion. In addition, moving to using the more slowly-growing chained CPI to determine COLAs would cut government spending by an estimated 8.5 billion on Social Security and other federal benefit programs, like military retirement, through 2023. .First, one new cosponsor – Representative Mike Bishop (MI-8) – signed on to the Audiology Patient Choice Act (H.R. 2276), bringing the total up to thirty-three. If adopted, H.R. 2276 would improve Medicare coverage for hearing services that are performed by licensed audiologists. Under current law, audiologists are not recognized as providers of health-related hearing services, and the Medicare program will only reimburse them for their services when patients are referred by physicians or nurse practitioners. .Additionally, in less than two years, the Social Security Disability Insurance trust fund will become insolvent, and approximately 11 million beneficiaries will be faced with a 20 percent cut in monthly benefits. Many lawmakers are hoping to divert funds from the retirement trust fund in order to address the funding shortfall, but according to our recent survey results, less than 1 percent of seniors support this method. Instead, TSCL will be advocating for policy solutions that would tighten the eligibility requirements for the Disability Insurance program and ramp up efforts to fight fraud, waste, and abuse. .Radical Medicare Overhaul Proposal In Senate ."Congressional Pay Grows 15 Times Faster Than Social Security Checks" .As Congress returns to work, it begins another debate over the Social Security payroll tax – and with it, a debate over funding for Social Security. Many Americans are asking how an extension of the payroll tax cut would affect the finances of the Social Security Trust Fund. That's an important question. Keeping Social Security financially strong is essential for protecting current beneficiaries – and for ensuring that Social Security's guarantee will be there for our children and grandchildren as well. .But as the StatNews article said, "… some people might remember the headlines of Moderna's and Pfizer's product offering greater than 90% effectiveness against Covid-19 and question J&J's announcement of 66% effectiveness. .To make the Social Security program fairer, The Senior Citizens League is advocating for legislation that would give beneficiaries a more adequate annual COLA. Under current law, the COLA is based on the spending patterns of young, working Americans. It fails to capture the true inflation seniors experience since it does not include major expenses like rising Medicare premiums. The bipartisan CPI-E Act (H.R. 1251) would base the COLA on the spending patterns of older Americans, and it's a change that is backed by 81 percent of The Senior Citizens League's supporters according to the results of our 2018 Senior Survey.