
  • Guidance For Traveling On Cruise Ships Changed

    Social Security Can Be Fixed Without Benefit Cuts .The TSCL report which contains Social Security Administration (SSA) data from 1937 through 2013, includes the following findings: .Social Security uses the 35 years of highest earnings to calculate benefits, and Social Security statistics confirm women have lower benefits than men. The average Social Security primary insurance amount for women is 26% lower than that of men — ,297 for women vs. ,747 for men. Some proposals have suggested giving Social Security credits to unpaid caregivers to fill in the zeros in Social Security earnings records during years of family caregiving. This would tend to boost initial retirement benefits. … Continued

  • Majority Of Older Americans Say Social Security Benefits Not Keeping Up With Rising Household Costs

    Worst of all, patients don't qualify for Medicare coverage of follow-up nursing home care, because Medicare requires three consecutive days in the hospital as an "inpatient." That leaves the patient and their families on their own to figure out how to pay nursing home bills, or to go without. .CBO Director Douglas Elmendorf made the report to President Obama's Fiscal Commission which is developing a plan to shrink the national deficit by 2015 — a target that TSCL believes will be extremely difficult to achieve without deep cuts to Social Security and widespread tax increases on middle-income taxpayers. .Last week the U.S. House of Representatives announced it will not implement the President's directive for employees of the House, joining major companies in rejecting the option. … Continued

On Thursday, the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee held a high-profile hearing on recent developments in the prescription drug market. According to the committee, thirty of the top-selling drugs in the United States experienced price increases of 76 percent between 2010 and 2014 – eight times the general inflation rate. .You should still take steps to protect yourself and others in many situations, like wearing a mask, staying at least 6 feet apart from others, and avoiding crowds and poorly ventilated spaces. Take these precautions whenever you are: .This is not the end of the story, however. More legislation will be needed to stop additional Medicare payment cuts that are scheduled in 2022. .Support Grows for Notch Fairness Act .The Senior Citizens League is opposed to any payroll tax cut which would remove the major portion of Medicare Part A hospital insurance funding. That's money today's beneficiaries paid into the system during their working careers, and the same funds are needed today to reimburse hospital services for today's patients. .Do not respond to calls or texts from unknown numbers, or any others that appear suspicious. And remember that government agencies, banks, credit card companies, or utility companies will never call you to ask for personal information or money. .Source: "2019 Changes to Medicare Advantage and Part D," The National Council on Aging, accessed on October 4, 2018. .Sources: Individuals Who Are Not Authorized To Work In The United States Were Paid .2 Billion In Refundable Credits, Treasury Inspector General For Tax Administration, July 7, 2011, . "Tax Loophole Costs Billions," transcript, Bob Segall, WTHR, 13 Indiana, May 10, 2012. .4 in 10 beneficiaries rely on Social Security for the majority of their income.