Social Security Medicare Questions July 2011 Advisor Feed
For details, or to see if your Members of Congress will hold town hall meetings over the holiday recess, contact their offices. You can find contact information for all Members of Congress in the ACTION CENTER of our website. .The number of older taxpayers who find that a portion of their Social Security benefits are taxable tends to grow over time. Unlike income brackets that are adjusted for inflation, the income thresholds that subject Social Security benefits to taxation have never been adjusted since Social Security benefits became taxable in 198When the law was first passed, less than 10 percent of all Social Security recipients were estimated to have incomes high enough to be affected by the tax on benefits. But today, even retirees with modest incomes can be affected by the tax. .Can you tell me how I can find out what my benefit and probable income from Social Security would be? I've heard some complaints about conflicting information. I turn 62 later this year. … Continued
Nearly Half Of Social Security Disability Recipients Overpaid
How can I get involved/help out? .You can gather indoors with unvaccinated people from one other household (for example, visiting with relatives who all live together) without masks, unless any of those people or anyone they live with has an increased risk for severe illness from COVID-19. .Congress first approved the WEP in 1983 as part of a large package of Social Security reforms that included increasing the full retirement age. The stated intent was to remove an unintended advantage for workers who collect non-covered pensions, but also did some work in jobs covered by Social Security. … Continued
According to TSCL studies, Social Security benefits have lost more than 31% of their buying power since 2000. "Yet the vast majority of seniors can't absorb any loss in buying power," Cates says. According to the Social Security Administration, 53% of senior households depend on Social Security for more than half of their income. The median income of seniors aged 65 and older is just ,757 – only 220% above the federal poverty level for an individual. ."Concern is high among older Americans that undocumented immigrants who illegally worked under fake, invalid, or fraudulent Social Security numbers may at some point receive benefits based on such work," says TSCL Chairman, Ed Cates. A survey conducted by TSCL, a nonpartisan seniors organization, found that 82% opposed the current government policy that allows Social Security to determine entitlement to Social Security benefits based on earnings from jobs worked without legal authorization. .Recently one of our readers asked "Is there a percentage as to how much less NOTCH BABIES receive monthly?" .The authors of the study concluded that unless the overall trend stabilizes or is reversed, or high cost-to-claim drugs are addressed, this trend will place an increasing burden on the neurologic Medicare budget. .If you've received a medical bill for services that you thought were covered by your health insurance you already know what surprise medical billing is. But as a reminder, "Surprise medical billing" is a term commonly used to describe charges received by someone who has health insurance but they received care from a health care provider who is not included in their insurance coverage. This situation could arise in an emergency when the patient has no ability to select the emergency room, treating physicians, or ambulance providers. Surprise medical bills might also happen when a patient receives planned care from an in-network provider (often, a hospital or ambulatory care facility), but other treating providers brought in to participate in the patient's care are not in the same network. This can end up costing patients thousands of dollars they thought their insurance would pay. .The nation's pharmaceutical industry has pushed back against the potential order, arguing that the United States should not shut itself off from a global supply chain. .Which COVID-19 Vaccine Should You Take? .Voters have opposed benefit cuts in the past as a way to fix Social Security. But TSCL's new 2016 Senior Survey found that older voters favor some changes that provide the program with more revenue, and modestly higher benefits in the future. .Consider selling off personal effects that you aren't using. If you have antiques and collectibles, or just an attic full of stuff in storage, consider selling it by auction, Ebay, or to dealers. Consumer Reports has this advice on "The Best Ways to Sell Your Stuff."