The Senior Citizens League Weekly Update For Week Ending February 14 2020
Regarding Social Security, TSCL was pleased to see that the President's proposal did not include the "chained" CPI, as it did last year. Many in Congress were also relieved by its absence. Shortly after the blueprint was released, Sen. Bernie Sanders (VT) – founder of the Defending Social Security Caucus – said, "I am especially proud that the President did not renew his proposal to cut Social Security benefits. With … more people living in poverty than ever before, we cannot afford to make life even more difficult for seniors." .These attacks on the safety and security of seniors in our communities are unacceptable but, unfortunately, they aren't new. Before the pandemic, scams targeting the elders in our community were already on the rise. At a town hall I held in Los Angeles in early 2018, I heard multiple stories from relatives of seniors in our community who had been targeted by scams. .Research that I've conducted over more than 20 years indicates that retirees would receive a higher COLA in most years using a "seniors" CPI, rather than by using the current method of indexing which is based on the Consumer Price Index for Urban Wage Earners and Clerical Workers (CPI-W). One of the bigger problems with using the CPI-W is the fact that retirees spend their money very differently than younger working adults. Retirees must spend more on healthcare and housing, and less on gasoline and consumer electronics. … Continued
3 Ways To Lower Your Medicare Spending In 2011
Action on Capitol Hill this past week was limited as Congress re-convenes this week. Meanwhile, a Congressional Management Foundation (CMF) report indicates the effects of House member office budget cuts, and the Congressional Budget Office released a report that would save Medicare 500 billion dollars. .TSCL is supportive of both of Rep. DeFazio's bills, and we were pleased to see support grow for them this week. .Insurance for Old Age: Are Annuities A Good Idea? … Continued
Here's something hard to believe, but true. Our government is paying Social Security benefits to thousands of Mexicans who don't live in this country, or were never entitled to benefits based on their own work record. A new report from the Social Security Office of Inspector General details the growing problem of thousands of Mexicans who routinely visit the United States once a month to establish a claim to Social Security benefits. .Senate Aging Committee Holds Hearing .TSCL will continue to monitor the process since it will have an impact on millions of older Americans. For example, Medicare Part D beneficiaries who fall into the coverage gap – or "doughnut hole" – will face higher costs for their prescription drugs. For updates on the repeal of the Affordable Care Act, visit the Legislative News section of our website, or follow TSCL on Facebook or Twitter. .Please take time to participate in TSCL's much anticipated Senior Survey. TSCL's surveys have helped burst the all too common perception that Social Security benefit cuts are inevitable in order to achieve program solvency. TSCL surveys indicate that there is little support among older adults for proposals that would cut Social Security or Medicare benefits, or to replace these programs with private versions. TSCL will fight attempts to cut benefits, and that includes cutting COLAs reducing Social Security benefits or increasing Medicare costs. .The latest report from the Congressional Budget Office says that after passage of recent massive tax and budget legislation, over the next decade the federal deficit is now expected to be .7 trillion higher than estimated in June of 201"To put that in context, that's close to the total amount of money that the federal government would need to cover the reserves held by the Social Security Trust Fund over the next 13 years," Johnson points out. .TSCL's legislative agenda .So far, 800,000 federal workers have been furloughed, and Members of the House have begun taking a piecemeal approach that would send some of them back to work by providing funding for certain agencies. However, the Senate has rejected each bill. Leaders in that chamber believe a piecemeal approach will set a bad precedent and give the opposing political party "veto power over what is funded and what isn't," according to Sen. Chuck Schumer (NY). .Medigap — Medicare supplements tend to have higher premiums than Medicare Advantage plans, but are popular because they cover most of your deductibles and co-insurance costs. Even so, Medicare estimates that average annual premium and out-of-pocket costs for Medigap policies can range around ,500. .Data indicates that many, if not most, retirees, leave a significant amount of Social Security income on the table because people tend to retire too soon. Consider this: even when you reach your full retirement age, that only represents the point at which you are entitled to start full benefits without reduction for starting benefits early. It does not represent the age at which you would receive the maximum benefit amount, which is age 70. The reward for work and patience can pay off significantly. Once you reach your full retirement age, Social Security benefits are increased by 8% per year (or 2/3 of 1% per month) until age 70.